1. Make your home your sanctuary. You will be spending so much of your time indoors during this season so make your home feel exactly how you want it. Organize your things, bring in some house plants and fill your space with items to make you feel cozy.
2. Stock up on reading materials, movies, TV shows and more. In the winter time I know that during the evenings and weekends I'll most likely be stuck inside so I try to spend this time learning something new. This might also be a great time to take an online course or try a new hobby.
3. Invest in winter essential products. For me the things that I need to survive in the winter include: thick socks, mittens, toques, candles, body butters, incense, essential oils, my happy light and so much more. You can check out a post I did on my winter essentials Here. These are the small things that make a huge difference.
4. Make plans! The best thing to help anyone get out of a winter slump is to have something to look forward to. If you can't afford a fancy tropical vacation away from the cold, then plan something small. Plan a dinner party for your friends, a movie night, a tea party, or even an outdoor adventure.
5. Turn inward. Take a yoga class, a meditation class, start journaling, explore your spiritual beliefs through books, podcasts, or videos, get a tarot reading, meet with a life coach or therapist to help you deal with things you're struggling with. Get to know and love yourself! The winter time is the perfect time for this.
How are you planning on preparing yourself for the upcoming winter season?
xo Sara
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