5 Self-Care Tips To Prepare For The Winter Months

The season of winter is fast approaching, especially up here in Canada, and it is time to prepare our bodies, mind and spirit for the change in season. Winter is definitely my least favourite season but as I get older I am trying to appreciate it more and more. I think the key to enjoying a …

October Night Routine Ideas

Ahh the fall time! Why is it the loveliest and coziest season of them all? It seems like around this time of year, with the sun setting earlier, and the air generally feeling cooler, I have a lot less energy. I made a list of things to do this fall that are not only fun and exciting but …

100 Things I'm Thankful For

1. The first sip of coffee in the morning
2. Mom jeans
3. Hot breakfast foods
4. Messy hair
5. Waking up spooning your dog
6. My family
7. All dogs, to ever exist
8. Staying in your pajamas all day
9. Driving on a long stretch of road with no other cars around
10. Cool walks in the fall
11. Purple…
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