A-Z Summer Self Care

I get really dorky and weird about summertime. It's my favourite season of the year but unfortunately it is the shortest of all the seasons. Because of this, every summer I feel like I really need to appreciate it and make as many amazing memories as I can which can sometimes leave me f…

Summer Beauty Favourites

I was recently in Vegas last month and unlike any normal person going to Vegas on a holiday, I was most excited to go to American drugstores because I love finding new makeup I can't get in Canada. Between CVS, Walgreens and the new Morphe store that recently opened I came home with a lo…

Summer Happy Goals

I have been making a list of "Happy Goals" for awhile now on my blog and you can see my latest posts here and here. Basically Happy Goals are goals that I like to set every few months when I'm feeling like I'm caught in a slump or I just need some inspiration to enjoy the lit…

Tips To Get Long Healthy Hair

Now that it's summer I crave for long wavy hair that reaches my lower back. Having long healthy hair is something that I feel like a lot of people strive for but don't realize how much work it can actually be. In order to keep my hair from looking dead and limp I have a routine that…
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