I've recently been getting interested in journaling and researching all the different ways in which you can fill your favourite notebooks. I have SO many pretty journals that are sitting vacant on my book shelves because I have nothing to write. Well it turns out you can do a ton of different things with notebooks and journals and happiness goals happen to be one of my favourite.
Making happiness goals every few days is an easy way to fill your journals and it really helps to get your perspective in check. If I'm having a crumby day or week setting these goals can really make me appreciate the small things and remind me to take care of myself. Goal setting can sometimes seem really daunting and overwhelming because if you're like me your long term goals are constantly changing. Not that there is anything wrong with this but I tend to get down on myself when I don't follow through with big goals that I have. That is why I love setting happiness goals, they are attainable and really fun. If I don't accomplish these goals in the next few weeks, oh well! I'll just carry them over into the next week or month. Goal setting should be fun and it should be a way to remind yourself that you need to set time aside to worry about just you.
So how do happiness goals work? You want to set small, attainable, goals that will bring you happiness regardless of how your day is going. So for example, instead of setting a hefty goal that will take months to achieve, like saving for a vacation, you set goals that you can accomplish in the next few days or so, like taking a bubble bath. You can base these goals on hobbies you love, passions you have, and anything that makes you really genuinely happy. Keep it simple and keep it fun!
My Happiness Goals:
1. Make a dream board
2. Online shop for bathing suits
3. Put on a face mask
4. Make a 90's playlist on Spotify
5. Plan a vacation
6. Create new boards on Pinterest
7. Re-pot my house plants
8. Have a scary movie marathon
9. Carve a pumpkin
10. Practice makeup tutorials on YouTube
11. Blog at a coffee shop
12. Finish a puzzle
13. Make homemade bath oil
14. Have a bath with said oil
15. Go candle shopping
16. Rearrange my apartment
17. Go for long walks on my lunch breaks
18. Go to yoga with my mom
19. Bake an old favourite recipe
20. Watch the Harry Potter movies all day
21. Have tea time every day
22. Hangout with my dog for a day
23. Make a bucket list
24. Watch how-to videos on watercolour painting
25. Make someone a hand made card or letter
26. Go for a long walk with no cell phone
27. Give myself a pedicure
28. Go on another hike
29. Buy craft supplies
30. Visit the library and find new books
I hope you enjoy my happiness goals and I challenge you to set some of your own. What would your happiness goals be?
xo Sara
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